When asked about the internal organization that organizes management directors specific to ITAD in the financial...
Financial sector: Department with operational leadership role in day-to-day ITAD management
Financial sector: Departments reviewing and vetting ITAD rules and policies
Two departments within financial sector entities play a significant role in reviewing and vetting ITAD rules and...
Financial sector: Financial accountability with own P&L
Just like most for-profit verticals, entities in the financial sector in their overwhelming majority have...
ITAD Outsourcing Rates by Verticals and Organization Sizes
Primary reasons financial organizations outsource ITAD
Return to financial sector front page Financial institutions that hire third-party vendors to outsource their IT asset...
Departments contributing input to policies related to IT disposal in the financial sector
While IT departments dominate in terms of who has primary oversight of ITAD and that all other departments and...
Routes to disposition in the financial sector
Departmental oversight of ITAD in the financial sector
Direct responsibility over ITAD is largely the domain of IT departments. More than 74% of the companies research for...
Desktop Lifecycle in Financial Sector
Single most important reason for NOT OUTSOURCING ITAD – Vertical markets
In analyzing the single most important factor that prevents organizations from outsourcing ITAD, we note that data...
Routes to disposition: financial sector
Return to financial sector front page For financial sector institutions, the a majority of 57% uses third-party ITAD...