CS Sustainability Reviews and Ratings
All Green Recycling (Irvine, CA)

Written by Emilie Wiseman

Feb 14, 2020

14 February 2020

The Review Process


In 1Q20, just before the coronavirus was officially announced, Compliance Standards (CS) set out to survey All Green Recycling customers as a sub-set of top vendors operating in the IT Asset Disposition market.  Of all those surveyed, CS gathered 65 companies that are served by All Green. All the surveyed companies are based in the United States and are enterprise-class organizations. No SMB or consumers were surveyed. Included in the survey are also organizations operating in the public sector as well.

The typical survey respondent is responsible for the ITAD function within the IT department or within the compliance and/or procurement organization. In some cases, respondents may be affiliated to other departments.

Below are the data summarizing the respondents’ views in data format.  To the left as additional data points that allow benchmarking and comparisons.

Please note that the customers’ views and positions as displayed in the data do no reflect Compliance Standards’ views. CS’ assessments are reflected through the CScoreX assessment tool.

All Green’s Market Position


Compliance Standards uses three metrics to assess position in the market relative to competition.  They are:

1- The Broad Market Penetration (BMP) rate: This is a rate that measures how many end-user companies use the analyzed vendor.  If 10 out of 100 say they use Vendor XYZ, the BMP is calculated as 10%.  The rate is calulated regardless of whether the end-user enterprise hired multiple service providers.  

2- The Effective Market Penetration (EMP) rate measures the share of companies that report using the vendor as lead servicer, considering that many use multiple service providers as part of their procurement requirements.

3- Use intention after end of current contract (if applicable):  This figure measures how many end-user companies reported the vendor as the one they intend to hire in the next contract cycle. The figure is used in other analyses to assess customer loyalty.  


This analysis is based on publicly available information, including vendor’s official statements, product specifications, and independent third-party benchmarks where applicable. While we may have referenced data from the vendor’s corporate announcements and external performance reviews, this report does not constitute an endorsement of the vendor’s claims, nor does it independently verify all sustainability and performance metrics.

Key sustainability assertions, such as the use of recycled and renewable materials, are based on vendor’s or third-party disclosures, and while these figures reflect corporate sustainability initiatives, they have not been audited by an independent third-party environmental certification body within the scope of this analysis. Performance metrics referenced from benchmark studies, such as CrossMark ratings, come from external testing firms but may not represent real-world performance across all user scenarios.

Buyers and stakeholders—including IT procurement teams, IT asset disposition (ITAD) providers, and sustainability-focused enterprises—should conduct independent due diligence when evaluating the products reviewed by Compliance Standards LLC. This includes assessing total cost of ownership (TCO), repairability policies, recyclability logistics, and long-term software support to align with their specific needs and sustainability objectives.

Additionally, given the rapid evolution of enterprise IT hardware and sustainability standards, this analysis is subject to change based on future developments, regulatory shifts, and independent third-party evaluations that may emerge after publication. (Disclaimer update on March 5, 2025)

About CS Sustainability Reviews

CS Sustainability Reviews are part of Compliance Standards’ research on sustainability. This area of research focuses on key aspects

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