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Intro: How End-User Companies Learn About Enterprise ITAD Practices

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by David Daoud of Compliance Standards (@lunch_with_david) From ITAD.Academy: Did you know that with lack of training and educational instruments specific to the IT Asset Disposition function in the enterprise, end-users in corporate IT departments are left with ITAD vendors acting as their primary source […] Continue reading below.
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From ITAD.Academy:

Did you know that with lack of training and educational instruments specific to the IT Asset Disposition function in the enterprise, end-users in corporate IT departments are left with ITAD vendors acting as their primary source of learning?

In many cases, it makes sense that an ITAD vendor is used by procurement and IT departments to learn how to deal with specific operational areas. But in many other cases, the use of ITAD vendors not only makes no sense, but it may result in counterproductive outcomes.

In our first presentation specifically targeted to end-users, we look at how the latter learn about the ITAD function. We have conducted research that provide meaningful pointers as to how end-users behalf within what I call “the customer journey.”  Research that can help ITAD vendors refine their go-to-market strategy.

In this presentation, we specifically look at how end-users learn about such things as drafting an RFP, deploying an ITAD program, learning about the supply side and the competitive landscape, assessing the secondary market, etc. The question we asked is who influences you. We offer ideas as to whether such positions are acceptable or could create conflicts of interest. We conclude the analysis by assessing why the ITAD function in the enterprise remains misunderstood.

The research comes in the form of a written document and a video lecture. Accessing the content is available for the following clients:

  • End-users, essentially managers in enterprises, who have registered and agreed with terms of service
  • ITAD vendors who will sponsor the ITAD.Academy
  • ITAD vendors who purchased a subscription here.

Premium subscribers to ‘ITAD Market Pulse’, please login first and then follow this link to access the analysis. Interested in subscribing? use coupon code: ZS3VZYVN to get a 25% discount toward the purchase of the “ITAD Market Pulse” subscription. Purchase link here.

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Analyst/Author: David Daoud | Analyst

David Daoud has researched the mainstream IT hardware market since 1996 and expanded into hardware disposition research in 2003. He has spearheaded the creation of IDC’s GRADE certification. Since then, David has been providing consulting and expert advice to companies looking to establish best practice in their IT equipment decommissioning and helped leading ITAD service providers assess demand, understand competition, and forecast what’s to come. David is currently the Principal Analyst at Compliance Standards, which focuses entirely on the end-of-life of IT equipment. He can be reached at 508-981-6937 or at


A twice monthly report release of opinion and/or analysis of importance to the ITAD sector. Membership is for a 12 month subscription and is valid on an individual seat basis or site license basis.

Data and research designed for end-users. ITAD vendors can request membership on a fee basis. (forthcoming)

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