ITAD Market Pulse

Intro: ITAD Industry Performance Update and Outlook

Jul 5, 2023

Number of readers who accessed this analysis : 737
Let me thank those of you who took our first ITAD Industry Performance Review and Outlook. This survey closed and we have conducted a Zoom presentation on June 29, 2023. For those who took the survey, you must have received links to access a written analysis, PowerPoint slides and a replay of the Zoom video presentation. If you have not received the links, please check your spambox or send me an email Continue reading below.

Hello Colleagues,

A warm welcome to you and wishing you a smooth summer 2023.

Firstly on behalf of Compliance Standards and E-Scrap News, let me thank those of you who took our first ITAD Industry Performance Review and Outlook. This survey closed and we have conducted a Zoom presentation on June 29, 2023. For those who took the survey, you must have received links to access a written analysis, PowerPoint slides and a replay of the Zoom video presentation. If you have not received the links, please check your spambox or send me an email at: DD****@Co******************.com and I will make sure you will get the details.

For those who did not take the survey, I will summarize the findings in one single sentence: the first half of the year was an extraordinarily difficult period for the ITAD sector, but looking ahead, there is plenty of optimism not only among your peers, but we also share the same optimism, albeit we must remain cautious.

In the coming weeks, we plan to release the survey instrument for the second installment, and we sincerely hope we will have the opportunity to welcome those of you who have not participated last month for a broader participation. To be reminded of taking the next survey, please add your email address below.

Thank you for your attention and let’s connect soon.

David Daoud
Compliance Standards LLC.



Analyst/Author: David Daoud | Analyst

David Daoud has researched the mainstream IT hardware market since 1996 and expanded into hardware disposition research in 2003. He has spearheaded the creation of IDC’s GRADE certification. Since then, David has been providing consulting and expert advice to companies looking to establish best practice in their IT equipment decommissioning and helped leading ITAD service providers assess demand, understand competition, and forecast what’s to come. David is currently the Principal Analyst at Compliance Standards, which focuses entirely on the end-of-life of IT equipment. He can be reached at 508-981-6937 or at

First Take: Cascade Asset Management and Sage Sustainable Electronics Join in First Merger in US ITAD Sector

On January 31, 2025, Madison, WI-based Cascade Asset Management merged with Columbus, OH-based Sage Sustainable Electronics. A one-page online post by Cascade suggests that the companies will continue to operate as two independent entities for the time being.  This is the first time that a merger has taken place in the industry, while the most recent transactions in the ITAD sector favored acquisitions.


A twice monthly report release of opinion and/or analysis of importance to the ITAD sector. Membership is for a 12 month subscription and is valid on an individual seat basis or site license basis.

A comprehensive set of charts, data and explainers on nine vertical markets with focus on enterprise handling of ITAD.

Data and research designed for end-users. ITAD vendors can request membership on a fee basis. (forthcoming)

This is designed for ITAD companies interested in promoting their image, boost their brand and get leads.

We welcome all ITAD vendors to join the quarterly survey building and promoted in partnership between Compliance Standards and E-Scrap News. Joining is free and results are available only for survey respondents.



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