Desktop Lifecycle in Financial Sector
Single most important reason for NOT OUTSOURCING ITAD – Vertical markets
In analyzing the single most important factor that prevents organizations from outsourcing ITAD, we note that data...
Routes to disposition: Federal agencies
Return to Federal Sector: Despite the use of ITAD vendors, some half of federal entities use waste as a disposition...
Routes to disposition: Tech companies
Return to Tech Companies Front Page: Unlike the entire base of survey respondents that favors the use of ITAD service...
Routes to disposition: K-12 education
Return to the K-12 Education Sector Front Page: Charitable donations are the most cited route to disposition for K-12...
Routes to disposition: Higher education
Return to the Higher Education Front Page: The higher education sector exhibits some heightened risk, with as many as...
Routes to disposition: State government
Routes to disposition: utilities sector
Return to the Utilities Sector Front Page: Utilities firms are the most compliant group of verticals. Not only 100% of...
Routes to disposition: retail sector
Return to Retail Sector Front Page: Some 44% of retailers surveyed by Compliance Standards LLC say they used pure-play...