
Tough Times for the ITAD/Electronics Recycling Sector

The IT Asset Disposition space, and extending into electronics recycling are witnessing an unprecedented state of retraction. Growth has been lagging, as volumes and prices have been moving in directions that do not help the industry maintain proper...

Financial vs. Environmental Considerations: When Companies Turn a Blind Eye to their Own Sustainability Policies and Environmental Commitments

A couple of months ago I had to print and sign some legal documents. I usually try to avoid printing and so I use ‘anything-digital’ to prevent waste, but this time, the administration wanted a hardcopy.  My Samsung monochrome laser printer, and which was not even a...

Coping with high-velocity product life-cycle, and getting the secondary market busy

Here’s an interesting quote from CNN:  “T-Mobile is offering new and existing customers an iPhone 6S (16 GB) for $5 a month with an old iPhone 6 or 6 Plus trade-in.” The surprising thing here is the use of the word “old” when referring to an iPhone 6. Interestingly,...

IT Asset Disposition Sector: 2014 Predictions

This year, Compliance Standards is debuting its predictions for the IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) space for the year 2014. This is probably the first of its kind in our sector, while the prediction tradition has existed for all other IT markets. While there is plenty to...


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