ITAD Go-to-Market Navigator: Data Release Schedule

ITAD Adoption: 24 November 2023
This data set and anlysis will look into ITAD adoption in US enterprises, focusing on ITAD vendor / outsourcing rates. Which verticals are more prone to utilizing third-party providers. This section will look at the main routes to disposition.
ITAD Management: 1 January 2024
This section will delve into the ITAD function status in US enterprise. It will focus on identifying and analyzing the centers of responsibility, who is assigned to the function, who manages it, and who makes final executive decision.
ITAD Compliance: 10 January 2024
In this data release, we analyze ITAD activity reporting, services auditing and tracking.
ITAD Education: 20 January 2024
This dataset and analysis unveil how US organizations learn about ITAD practices. This section addresses the education process relative to ITAD practices, techniques and marketplace, RFP models, compliance and regulation, competitive landscape, ITAD output and resell opportunity cost, ROI & economics.
ITAD Economics: 12 January 2024
In this section, the dataset will present the various facets of budgeting and contract modeling. Analyses will focus on how budgets are determined, who decides and contributes to it, contracting types and terms, fee calculation, residual value, etc.
ITAD vendor selection & offerings: 15 February 2024
This section reviews how vendors are selected, what are the criteria used to select a vendor, what are the factors that would result in the switching of vendors, etc.
ITAD operations, part 1: 26 February 2024
In this section, we release datasets and analyses that look into ITAD operations, including how decisions are made and how logistics are operated. Details are shown in the table below.
ITAD operations, part 2: 9 March 2024
In this section, we release second round of datasets and analyses that look into ITAD operations, including operations and tasks performed by vendors and issues of certifications.
ITAD operations, part 3: 20 March 2024
In this third installment, datasets and analyses look into ITAD operations performed by company staff versus ITADs.
General IT: 31 March 2024
In this data installment, we provide pointers on general IT, from how employee devices used for work are secured from a data security perspective, to asset tracking and device retention rates.
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